Japanese Koto Player Hikaru Nakajima
共立女子大学を卒業と同時に東京藝術大学 音楽部 邦楽科 箏曲生田流専攻に入学。
2008 |
▪️NHK邦楽技能者育成会第53期修了 |
2010 |
▪️共立女子大学文芸学部文芸教養コース 卒業 |
2012 |
▪️IMF世界銀行年次総会2012レセプションにて演奏 |
2014 |
▪️在学中、安宅賞 受賞 ▪️東京藝術大学音楽学部邦楽科生田流箏曲専攻 卒業 |
2017 |
▪️市川市文化振興財団第30回新人演奏家コンクール邦楽器部門にて優秀賞受賞 |
2018 |
▪️第24回くまもと全国邦楽コンクールにて奨励賞受賞 |
2019 |
▪️日本テレビ 「世界の果てまでイッテQ “女芸人一芸合宿”」出演・指導協力 |
2020 |
▪️利根英法記念邦楽コンクール第6回「アンサンブル」にて優秀賞受賞 |
2021 |
▪️利根英法記念邦楽コンクール第7回「古典」にて金賞(第1位)および相生賞受賞 ▪️NHKラジオ「邦楽のひととき」出演『十七絃独奏のための主題と変容「風」』 ▪️第26回くまもと全国邦楽コンクールにて最優秀賞および文部科学大臣賞受賞 |
▪️中嶋ひかる箏・三絃教室 。
▪️日本テレビ 「世界の果てまでイッテQ “女芸人一芸合宿”」出演、指導協力。

Hikaru Nakajima
Japanese Koto Player
Born in Miyagi, Japan. At the age of 6 started learning Koto. Then started Shamisen.
In 2012 performed at a reception of the IMF World Bank’s annual meeting.
In 2019 performed on one of the most popular TV program(NTV) in Japan as a Koto instructor.
A member of Famikoto, a group playing video game music by Japanese instruments. Also belong to the following groups: Mori-no-Kai, Dousei-Kai and Tagai.
Now providing lessons at Bunkyo and Machida.
Bachelor of Arts, Kyoritsu Women’s University – Tokyo, Japan 2010.
Bachelor of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts – Tokyo, Japan 2014.
2014 |
Ataka award while an undergraduate. |
2017 |
Outstanding Performance Award at the 30th Rookie Performer Contest held by Ichikawa City Cultural Foundation. |
2018 |
Encouragement Award at the 24th Japanese Hougaku Music Contest in Kumamoto commemorating Kengyo Nagatani. |
2019 |
Outstanding Performance Award at 25th Japanese Hougaku Music Contest in Kumamoto commemorating Kengyo Nagatani. Kenjun Award (Best Performance Award) at the 26th International Kenjun Koto Competition. |
2020 |
Outstanding Performance Award at the 6th Tone Japanese Hougaku Music Contest in Hyogo. |
2021 |
Best Performance Award at the 7th Tone Japanese Hougaku Music Contest in Hyogo. Best Performance Award at 26th Japanese Hougaku Music Contest in Kumamoto commemorating Kengyo Nagatani. |